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version en Español
How to play
you will need 7zip to uncompress the following archives: 7zip downloads
you will need lutris to run the native linux version: lutris page

Downlad Alpha 1 for Linux free version

Downlad Alpha 1 for Windows free version

Downlad Beta40 APK trial version
please consider buying the Android full app on the Google Play store since that pays the company who pays me
Google playstore app under construction,please check back again later
©Copyright Usmar A. Padow(amigojapan) 2016-2024
looking for volunteers that could make actual retro versions of this game for C64 or NES or such retro machines
interested parties please email to the following email address
Credits:Programming, game design, Usmar A. Padow(amigojapan)
Music, Sound effects, Provides Server and contrubutor: Albert Korman(Zcom)
Many thanks to the people who helped me on the Solar2d forums